Note: This site is no longer actively maintained. It's still here just as a historical artifact.
What if teachers and students wrote the textbooks together?
There is no better expert on how to learn a concept than the student who has just
struggled to master it. Freetext is an experiment to see if students themselves
can optimize the learning experience through aggregating free educational resources
into textbooks.
Get Involved
Want to contribute? You're awesome! Not
sure you have time? You'd be surprised. We use a partner platform called
Osmosis to make
your study life
much easier. All you have to do is invite your friends
and together you can easily share images, links, and YouTube videos as well
as create review questions. Without even realizing it, you've collected
the core resources for a textbook just by studying smarter.
Free as in Freedom
The free in freetext
is similar to the free in free speech.
Textbooks are licensed under Creative Commons licenses (see specific book for details).
This means you are free to redistribute and remix as long as you pass the same permissions onward.
Visual and Manipulable
We believe it's not enough for eTextbooks to display simply text, videos, and images.
The medium is far more powerful. Freetext encourages the creation of "sims" so that readers can take a more
active role in learning.